Contact us

CZ TOP TRADE s. r. o., Ústí 190, 755 01 Vsetín
Tel. +420 571 421 210
Fax: 571 421 240 | E-mail: info(@)

Lenka Hrabovská
administration – switchboard
Tel. +420 571 421 210 | E-mail: lenka.hrabovska(@)

Viktor Hrabovský
sales of materials for electroerosion
Tel. +420 603 216 816 | E-mail: info(@)

Martina Zubíková
administration – invoicing
Tel. +420 571 421 210 | E-mail: martina.zubikova(@)

Petr Uherek
steel and copper sales, cutting
Tel. +420 605 077 668 | E-mail: petr.uherek(@)

Jan Zubík
flame cutting of plates, production of semiproducts
Tel. +420 605 077 712 | E-mail: jan.zubik(@)

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Contact us

In case of your interest please contact us using the contact form.

About the company

CZ TOP TRADE s. r. o., Ústí 190, 755 01 Vsetín
Tel. +420 571 421 210
E-mail: info(@)